
My life with a wildcat.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Sir Teddy the Brave

And now we bring to you The Adventures of Sir Teddy the Brave. The story of a young squire and his quest to become a knight.

Okay so I'm bored, but it's cute and intresting. WildCat and I have knights adventures with her favorite bear Paddy 'teddy' Bear, Raggedy Anne and often other of her stuffed friends. I decided to pen(well type anyways) our adventures so she can read them later, and I though y'all might get a kick outta them.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I Scream You Scream

I Scream She Screams and it's all over Ice Cream.

This morning my 'darling' daughter decided she wanted ice cream for breakfast, yes you read that right ice cream. I don't know how it got in her mind that I might even possibly allow this, but she was very insistent upon it. Did I give in, you might be wondering? Hell no!

I promptly informed her we don't eat ice cream for breakfast, and she just as promptly began to scream and cry as if I had broken her heart and then ran to her room and slammed the door. I told her that if she was gonna behave that way no more tv this morning. That did it, anger and frustration pored out in her crying, she continued to bawl for five minutes then stopped and came to me and apologized and crawled into my lap for a little loving. After a bit she got down and said 'I go watch T.V. now.' happy as can be.....

I'm not sure if that was a win or lose for me, but at least she isn't eating ice cream for breakfast.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Oh My Head!

'I want my shrinks, I want my shrinks!' my five year old yells from the living room where I can hear that 'George Shrinks' is showing on PBS. Seeing as I can hear it I don't see what he fuss is about, then Thunk! the sound of WildCat's head hitting the TV screen. 'Oh my head, oh my head!' she cries out. WildCat runs to me in the office and explains the situation to me in simple terms. 'Mommy my head!' she says. 'Well, you shouldn't have hit the T.V. with your head.' I reply. 'Mommy, I want shrinks, it's all grey.' she replies with a decided pout while leaning her poor tortured noggin on my arm. Ahhh, it's clear to me now, the terrible reception has offended her tender sensibilities and turned her favorite cartoon grey. O!, the tragedies of childhood.

Introducing WildCat

Even at birth WildCat made a dramatic entrance, she managed to get stuck and end up with a broken arm. Thus began our adventure together. She was one of those inconsolable criers, and by cry I mean wailing like a banshee, there was no rhyme or reason for her crying, it's my firm belief she simply liked the attention.

By the time WildCat reached four months old she'd developed the superhuman ability of crying (and again I mean wailing) for hours and hours at a time without stopping for rest or a hoarse throat. Around this time I visited with my family in our hometown and found that for some unfathomable reason she has a unique bond with her Auntie CoffeeQueen, once rocked in her arms all the world was right. The two of them retain that bond still today. I also discovered that if there was one adult who could lovingly get her to submit it was her personality twin, Auntie Tigger. None of this really made helped though when WildCat refused to let me rest and the Aunties were thousands of mile away.

WildCat's personality did not improve with aging. As she hit toddlerhood she discovered the parent manipulating tool that is head banging. Something she did to such an extent that we had to make sure it was documented by her pediatrician. Oh and did I mention the banshee like wailing that only got louder and longer?

Finally as she reaches school age she is improving, not that we still don't have very loud disagreements, but at least she yells words at me instead of meaningless gibberish.

Dispite all of her theatrics though I have discovered how wonderful it is to have your heart in entwined with a child who puts her whole heart into everything.