
My life with a wildcat.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Oh My Head!

'I want my shrinks, I want my shrinks!' my five year old yells from the living room where I can hear that 'George Shrinks' is showing on PBS. Seeing as I can hear it I don't see what he fuss is about, then Thunk! the sound of WildCat's head hitting the TV screen. 'Oh my head, oh my head!' she cries out. WildCat runs to me in the office and explains the situation to me in simple terms. 'Mommy my head!' she says. 'Well, you shouldn't have hit the T.V. with your head.' I reply. 'Mommy, I want shrinks, it's all grey.' she replies with a decided pout while leaning her poor tortured noggin on my arm. Ahhh, it's clear to me now, the terrible reception has offended her tender sensibilities and turned her favorite cartoon grey. O!, the tragedies of childhood.