
My life with a wildcat.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

G-Mail invites

This subject seems the biggest news in blogdom. It seems G-mail just dumped another 50 invites on their users, and consequently I have run into no less than a dozen rants on this subject today.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


I just totally had my night made, my AngelBoy sent me an e-mail.

AngelBoy is my oldest child, WildCat's half-brother. He dosen't live with me, he lives in Alaska with my parents, so i don't see him very often. Every once in awhile he e-mail's me a little note, small treasures in otherwise unremarkable days.

I gave you a bit of the story of WildCat, so here's the one about my AngelBoy.

I gave birth to AngelBoy 6 days after my 19th birthday, his father was a married man just not to me. When we started seeing each other he said he was divorced, turns out he was only separated. When I was four months pregnant I called him to tell him the baby was a boy, he responded by telling me that his wife wanted him back and he didn't know what to do. I was calmly furious, broken hearted, and a bit in shock so I told hi that, that decsion had nothing to do with me then I gave him a terse goodbye and hung up the phone. I have never heard from him since. By the time my son reachen 5 months old it was aparent that he was sick, no one knew with what. I was jobless, and clueless so I did the what I belived, and still belive was the best thing to do. I gave him to my parents to raise. I miss him yes, every minute of every day but that's just a fact of my life that for his happiness and welfare I have no problem accepting. So when I get those special little notes, it means the world to me.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

No Silence....Please

Once I could sit in complete silence and it didn't bother me a bit. Now with Doc out of the house the silence is near defaning, despite the aquarium sounds, the hamster on his wheel, the occasional bell ringing from the birds cage, and the radio playing less than a foot from my face. When Doc's here, I can handle silence, but without him the time when WildCat's asleep takes alot to deal with.

Truth be told it's mostly that I worry about him when he's not near me. January 2003 he was in a very bad motorcycle accident, so up until eight or so months ago I spent my time caring for him. I guess that makes me overly cautious about his well being, even more so than I am about WildCat's. He must realize this because he calls a lot when he's out of the house, which he never did before the accident. He always calls to check in when he goes out with friends, and more often than not they just get together here instead of going out. It's nice to be humored, lol.

Anti-terror chart

Okay, so a couple of days ago I instituted a sticker chart for WildCat, usually it works great and she's been relativly good since I put it up. Then this morning rolls around and she decides she dosen't care about stickers today, she just wants to lounge around watch T.V., read, and draw in her pajamas. Can't say I blame her though, Doc is on duty today so we likely won't see him till at the earliest tomorrow afternoon. So I'm in my jogging suit, and she's in her jammas and it is a lazy day today. Unfortunatly lazy days make her a bit cranky lol. Soon she'll be in bed though and it'll finally be my time.

Now, if I had any friends in the area I would be havin a girls night in, as I don't I am going to play on the computer, draw, and watch t.v. lol.

Written Inc.

Written Inc.

I don't usually make Blog recomendations, but I felt this one was worth mentoning.

So go visit Carmi, it'll be worth the click.

Monday, February 07, 2005

I'll Think About That Tomorrow

Sorry for the lack of communication, been busy on some artwork for WildCat's Auntie Legs. I will be back on to post at least a small update, even if the urge to create art hits me instead. Fear not I will leave you at least a crumb.