
My life with a wildcat.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I Scream You Scream

I Scream She Screams and it's all over Ice Cream.

This morning my 'darling' daughter decided she wanted ice cream for breakfast, yes you read that right ice cream. I don't know how it got in her mind that I might even possibly allow this, but she was very insistent upon it. Did I give in, you might be wondering? Hell no!

I promptly informed her we don't eat ice cream for breakfast, and she just as promptly began to scream and cry as if I had broken her heart and then ran to her room and slammed the door. I told her that if she was gonna behave that way no more tv this morning. That did it, anger and frustration pored out in her crying, she continued to bawl for five minutes then stopped and came to me and apologized and crawled into my lap for a little loving. After a bit she got down and said 'I go watch T.V. now.' happy as can be.....

I'm not sure if that was a win or lose for me, but at least she isn't eating ice cream for breakfast.