
My life with a wildcat.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

No Silence....Please

Once I could sit in complete silence and it didn't bother me a bit. Now with Doc out of the house the silence is near defaning, despite the aquarium sounds, the hamster on his wheel, the occasional bell ringing from the birds cage, and the radio playing less than a foot from my face. When Doc's here, I can handle silence, but without him the time when WildCat's asleep takes alot to deal with.

Truth be told it's mostly that I worry about him when he's not near me. January 2003 he was in a very bad motorcycle accident, so up until eight or so months ago I spent my time caring for him. I guess that makes me overly cautious about his well being, even more so than I am about WildCat's. He must realize this because he calls a lot when he's out of the house, which he never did before the accident. He always calls to check in when he goes out with friends, and more often than not they just get together here instead of going out. It's nice to be humored, lol.